Nutritional Tests

Nutrition Test: Vitamin C & A, Juice Volume

Vitamin C 93.35mg/serving  >  53.51mg/serving
HUROM extracts 42.7% more Vitamin C
Vitamin A
318mg/serving  >  125mg/serving HUROM extracts 60.7% more Vitamin A
Juice Volume* 8 fl oz  >  5.2 fl oz Hurom extracts 35% more juice

*Hurom maximizes juice output by gently pressing the food twice: once in the crushing stage, and again in the second pressing stage before pulp is ejected. The Traditional Juicer expels much of the food before even extracting the juice because of the high-speed motor.

Test results are from  Michelson Laboratories, Inc., Korean Food Research Institute (KRFI),

and internal labs.
The tests performed by Michelson Laboratories, Inc. are approved and certified by:
• ISO/IEC17025 accredited laboratory through A2LA
  (International Organization for Standardization/ International Electrotechnical commision)
• USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
• FDA (US Food & Drug Administration)
• USDA National Nutrient Database